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Getting Sushi for Your Catered Lunch? Make These 3 Requests to Keep It Healthy

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People love sushi for several reasons. The unique look and taste of many sushi dishes and its healthy nature are key factors in many individuals' choices to consume sushi. It's important to realize that while many items on the menu of a sushi restaurant are indeed healthy, some are not. If you've hired a local catering service to provide a sushi lunch for your office, you'll want to take steps to ensure that the food that arrives is healthy.

Unhealthy food may compromise your employees' focus or energy levels during the afternoon, which isn't ideal. Here are some sushi-related requests to make.

No Tempura Products

While tempura products don't technically fall under the definition of sushi, they're frequently a fixture at sushi restaurants. This can mean that for many people, tempura products are part of the sushi experience. While there's no denying that shrimp, veggies, and other products coated in tempura batter and fried can be tasty, they're not exactly the healthiest choices on the menu. Tempura products can be greasy and the presence of the batter increases the calorie count of each bite. So to keep your sushi meal healthy, don't add tempura products to the food list.

Lots of Seaweed Salad

Seaweed salad is a common part of a sushi meal, and while different restaurants use slightly different ingredients to produce it, you can expect a light-tasting product that includes flavors such as soy sauce, toasted sesame oil, and more. When you're coming up with a healthy sushi-inspired menu for your office, make sure that there's plenty of seaweed salad available. Seaweed is known for its immense health benefits, thanks to its concentration of minerals, and this is a dish that won't make your workforce lethargic after lunch.

Consider the Volume

Many people who enjoy sushi have experience with visiting all-you-can-eat restaurants. Doing so caters to their love of sushi, but can often result in overeating — as can be the case at virtually any restaurant of this nature. When you're ordering a catered sushi lunch, give some thought to the volume of food that you're bringing in. You don't need your staff to eat for an hour or more and end up feeling ready for an afternoon nap. Instead, a smaller amount of food that people can enjoy without getting too full will be in the best interest of everyone.

Learn more about ordering healthy food for your team by contacting local health food catering services. 
